Hello! Sa k pase? Bonjour ! Hola
Welcome • Bienvenue • Bienvenido • Akwaaba
LE ROSSIGNOL (#LRCCutah) will be Utah’s Caribbean Café for a Cause, your home away from home especially if you identify as a woman or a minority. Le Rossignol means "Nightingale" in the French language and is the only bird that sings both day and night. The cafe will serve herbal teas, specialty coffees, tropical beverages and ice cream, and Afro-Caribbean pastries. Help us open our doors!
Owner's & Business' Archives
The Caribbean Nightingale has been a Guest Poet and/or Panelist at the following events:
US Presidential Campaign for Senator Bernie Sanders (Feb. 2020 - Black Lives Matter Utah)
Utah Juneteenth Festival's Soil Collection Ceremony (2022 - Commissioned, "American Dream")
Fundraiser for Utah Rep. Sandra Hollins (2018, 2022)
Utah Arts Festival (2022, 2021, 2020, 2019)
KRCL RadioACTive (2022, 2019)
Ghana Values for Life's UNESCO's International Poetry Day (March 2021)
Ghana Poetry Festival (2020 - 7th year, the Virtual Edition - Guest Poet & Panelist)
Evening in Harlem (Utah Black Chamber of Commerce)
Utah Poetry Festival (2021)
Utah African Festival (2021, 2019)
Utah Juneteenth Heritage Festival (yearly since 2017)
Utah Humanities Book Festival (with the Rock Canyon Poets in 2019)
Reggae Rise Up Utah Music Festival (Workshop Facilitator: "Poetry as Prayer" in 2019)
RAW: Salt Lake City (2019)
Utah High School Poetry Slam Invitational (2019 - judge)
Women's Voice (2019 - Ghana)
Collège St. François d'Assise Fundraising Gala (2018 - NYC)
The Vagina Monologues (2017 - University of Utah)
Fusion Production (led by her mentor, the late Benjamin Cabey)
(Click on links below to View)​
2022 - 2021 ​
KRCL RadioACTive with Host Lara Jones
SLUG Mag Issue: Lift Black Voices​
UCA Culture Bytes - season 2, episode 23​
PBS NewsHour/CANVAS Arts​​
Women’s Voice (Ghana Broadcasting Corporation)
​KRCL RadioActive:
UAF Festival Vibes Fridays 2020
Other Links:
(where you can find my books)​
The Printed Garden (Sandy, Utah)
Vidya Bookstore (Accra, Ghana)
University of Ghana Bookshop (Accra, Ghana)
Unnameable Books (Brooklyn, NYC)
​​Comcast RISE Award​
SLUG Mag Issue: Lift Black Voices
​What does "Le Rossignol" mean? - "Le Rossignol" means "Nightingale" in the French language and is the only bird that sings both day and night. Le Rossignol Caribbean Café is a safe community space, especially for women and minorities in Utah, whether they want to go somewhere special to celebrate a milestone in their lives or to find enrichment, empowerment, or community healing through our various programs.
What's the meaning behind your logo? - Our motto is “together, we go further.” Our logo is a pink and black bird who is looking backyard, holding a branch of seeds in its talons. This logo, partly designed by our founder, is a variation of the Sankofa bird symbol that originated from the Akan people of Ghana, West Africa. The word Sankofa in Twi means “to go back and retrieve.” Some say that Sankofa is a phrase that encourages learning from the past to inform the future, reaching back to move forward, and lifting as we climb. At LRCC Utah specifically, the Sankofa symbolizes the need for the younger generation of African descent to remember traditions and learn from African ancestors to create a robust future for their community.
What will be the Cafe's Operating Hours? - LRCC Utah WEEKLY HOURS will be as follows: Monday - CLOSED; Tuesday - CLOSED; Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday: OPEN; Saturday OPEN only for Woke MOVIE NIGHT (reservations required); Sunday OPEN only for Just Add Poetry BRUNCH (catered by local Black-owned FOOD TRUCK or Black female Chef).
Who do you partner with? - Haitian-born Founder, Artivist, and Chef, The Caribbean Nightingale partners with local artists, authors, and chefs who identify as Women, BIPOC, LGBT, to bring artistic and wellness programs in order to promote Inclusion, Women Empowerment, and Mental Health Awareness. The 3 primary organizations we partner with for onsite events are Bomba Marile, Ngoma y'Africa, and Burning Sissy Valley.
What classes will be offered and when? - SATURDAY MORNING CLASSES: 1) Cooking with Michaëlle, The Caribbean Nightingale - initially offsite at a commercial kitchen in Utah county; 2 & 3) Afro-Caribbean Folkloric Dance classes with Ngoma y’Africa & Bomba Marilé. Age group requirement will be announced on our website's Events Calendar, Newsletters, Blog & Social Media channels for each corresponding class.
Can I rent out the space for my event? - YES, you can! You will just need to fill out the form on our Contact Us page with your event date, purpose, and catering needs. Note that we require a half deposit once your event has been approved and if catering is needed, you will need to use our On-Premise Catering Service.
What is Gladys Boutiques? - Gladys Boutique is our Online Store with the motto "Resilience is Handmade". We will have some items onsite as well as make-your-own cards to take home.
What is Ben's Corner at Relaxation Through Verse? - “Ben's Corner" is a dedicated space at the "Living Room" space of the cafe that has a picture and artworks of Benjamin Cabey, a mentor to many Black emerging artists in Utah and one of the pioneers in advocating for inclusivity in the Arts in the Salt Lake City area. Originally from New York, Ben used several mediums of expression, including Spoken Word Poetry, Music, Singing, and Painting. Some of his works are on display at the poetry salon whenever possible, a courtesy of his partner Philip and his daughter Ava. Ben, we thank you for all you've done. You are dearly missed, but we will honor your legacy of Art, Inclusivity, and love.”
Have more questions? Fill out the Contact Form below, and we will get back to you within 72 hours